I made a few modifications, including knitting the back in plain stockinette, instead of in the fancy stitch pattern. This made it go a little faster, and heck, who notices the back anyway?
The vest was knit from some upcycled yarn I harvested from an 80% lambswool and 20% nylon sweater. I've linked to some good tutorials for reclaiming yarn in the past.
Here's a newly wound batch of upcycled yarn. It's 100% wool tweed and the color is more of a raspberry that the photo shows. The little tags tell me how many yards are in each ball. I figure this out by using a fishing line counter.

Things have been busy at work, but I've had a great quiet weekend. I'm in the lull before the storm: next week I'll have a pile of midterms to grade, and then another the week after that. But for now, I'll put up my feet and knit a bit.
Very pretty, good fit and color for you. That's a great picture.
I have to echo Kay and I love your longer hairstyle too!
Cute, cute, cute!!! As Kay said, that's a great color on you. A detail from the first photo would make a great profile picture here on your blog. And those BOOTS! Woohoo! Love them! (I may have to start looking for a pair for myself!)
You look so darn cute in this picture! Opening it up gave me a huge smile!
That's a very smart vest, Barbara, and I love your longer hair! Plus, I covet your boots. I want them.
You really are one beautiful lady! I also think you're a wonder! Upcycling yarn and then whipping out a vest to go with those swanky new boots! Indeed it was a joy to stop by today.
Love your site and your vest is very pretty. You are really blessed with a lot of talent and thanks for sharing it on the web.
I am interested in learning locker hooking. Can not believe I just discovered it and then found your site.
Nice vest, Barbara, and my favorite color, too! I'm with you on your "back philosophy". Who walks around backwards anyhow? David just helped me recycle some yarn; now that was an experience!
Love all your scrap quilts! Those are great boots. I can't bear to get rid of my old calf roping boots but haven't been able to wear them for years because of the heels.
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