We had excellent timing when we got to the quilt exhibit because a docent tour had just started. The docent was very well informed about the exhibit, and related a lot of annecdotes about the quilters and about their life circumstances. This information was handy for Michael, who knew nothing about this thing I'd dragged him 300 miles to see, but he quickly understood the context of the work and some of the reasons why so many people appreciate it.
The quilts were very moving for me to see. My favorite piece was a quilt made from work pants, with all the variations of wear and color. To me it was a testimony to the maker's creative will to make something she needed out of what was at hand, and of the asthetic spark in what seem to be the most utilitarian acts. These works have a vitality that is impressive, and I'm convinced that this is due in large part to the spontineity that comes with irregularly-cut pieces. I think we should all try to make something without using rulers just to see what happens. The use of "forbidden" fabrics like polyester and courduroy also adds energy to these quilts. I'm predicting a resurgence in the popularity of polyester myself. I think it is underappreciated. No photos were allowed in the exhibit, but Michael bought me the beautiful book that documents it.
The new museum is wonderful, and sports a funny-looking observation tower which has a panoramic view of the city.
Here are some scenes from the Japanese Tea Garden next door.
Here are a few seasonal scenes from Union Square.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
I bought the book too. I loved the exhibit and it moved me and those attending almost like a church service. Did they have the documentary playing too?
I thought it interesting that one of the daughters has moved to Houston and become quite successful but still quilts the way she learned from her mother -- with "reclaimed" fabrics and irregular shapes.
The quilts make the quilts from Quilt National look like wannabes.
Thanks for the review, Barbara...I love what you had to say about the Gees Bend quilters.
Not sure about that resurgence in polyester, though...;-)
The tower was my favorite part of the new DeYoung..nice picture of the view, and I can see my beloved Point Bonita in the distance!
Have a blessed and joyful Christmas with your dear family...
Merry Christmas to you to Barbara, I hope I can see that show one day.
I didn't buy either of the books, but my friend bought one of them. I probably won't include polyester in my quilting. =) I just used some as backing for a crazy quilt block, and really didn't like it any better than the last time I tried it.
But most of all, I love the leaf picture you took in the tea garden. Now *that* in a quilt, I'd love to see. I love the changes of texture and color from spot to spot. Great shot!
What a wonderful trip you had! I love the Gee's Bend quilts too, and I hope to see the exhibit one day. Jen
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