My second fan is coming along. I feel like I'm thinking more about how each block will relate to the others.

I included in my button cluster a western-themed button cover. I have more that I'll work into the other blocks.

I love my spider and web. The instructions are from Annie's Crazy World (sorry, the link wouldn't work.) I used backstitch on my web instead of straight stitch because my thread was wobbly.
I made these open cretan stitches on the bottom with poly ribbon, which is harder to pull through fabric than silk, and I beaded them in gold. On the top, I beaded a piece of vintage trim.

And I have finished this small (45x45) quilt titled "Remapping Arizona."

I used this vintage tablecloth for the back:

It has a copyright mark. Any guesses about what "USHP" stands for?

That is a lovely spider - very cool!
I totally love your scrap quilts! They are so carefree and spirited! I think using the vintage tablecloth was a cool idea too. Will this be a piece for your table?
Oooh, yummy stuff Barbara! I love the spider web! Thanks for doing that and showing me the way, I've plans to do one in the next day or so.
Remapping Arizona is wonderful!
Barbara, I love what you've been doing!
This is my first time visiting your blog. "Recycling life into art" -> I love that! What a beautful fan = ) I wanted one of those Chinese fans for my wall, but I thought it might be too cheesy. After seeing yours, I think I can add some beads and paint and make it my own. Thanks for sharing!
Yikes! That spider is freaky! I'm SOOO Arachniphobic! & it looks a little too real to me!
Nice stitches though. :-)
I love your fan blocks and your quilts too.
glad you are sharing with us!
Your fans are looking so good, and the spider and web are fantastic. Remapping Arizona is a beautiful quilt; as always I love the way you use fabric and the tablecloth back is a piece of genius. Love those old tablecloths and it is great to see them put to such a good use.
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